Community Intelligence Brief: May 8, 2024

May 8, 2024


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Tour for Humanity Stops in Winnipeg, Students Learn About Hate Crimes

FSWC's Tour for Humanity mobile education centre is in Winnipeg this week, delivering Holocaust and human rights education to students. On Monday, it visited a local high school where students learned about human rights issues in Canada - discussing residential schools, Japanese internment camps and the use of Chinese labour to build the Canadian Pacific Railway - and hate and intolerance today.

"In all of our programming, we use the Holocaust as a foundation for the conversation around human rights," said FSWC senior educator Elena Kingsbury. "History is not just something that’s sitting in the past, in isolation. It does impact us today."

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Report Warns of Dramatic Rise in Antisemitic Incidents in Canada in 2023

On Monday, B'nai Brith Canada released its latest report on antisemitism. According to the organization, there were 5,791 documented acts of violence, harassment and vandalism aimed at Jews in 2023, more than twice the 2,769 documented incidents in 2022.

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'It's Not Right' That Jewish People Feel Unsafe in Canada, PM Says

"Zionism is not a dirty word or something anyone should be targeted for agreeing with," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Monday's Yom HaShoah commemoration in Ottawa, as he discussed rising antisemitism in Canada and the right of Jews to self-determination and to identify themselves as Zionists.


Nearly Half of Canadians Are Opposed to University Protest Encampments, Poll Suggests

According to a new opinion poll, 48 per cent of Canadians oppose the anti-Israel encampments at universities, while 31 per cent said they support them and one in five said they don't know. Forty-four per cent of respondents said the encampments should be dismantled, "as they may be a threat to campus safety and the safety of students," and an additional 33 per cent agreed they should be removed "if and only if protesters voice antisemitic views or propagate any form of hate speech."

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Doug Ford Says Pro-Palestinian University Encampments 'Need to Move'

Echoing his remarks at FSWC's Yom HaShoah commemoration, Ontario Premier Doug Ford told reporters that he is "not in favour" of the encampments and called on universities to "move these people along."

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Canadian Jewish Students Launch Democratic Organization with Hundreds of Members

The Canadian Union of Jewish Students, launched by Jewish students in Canada, was officially announced on Friday. So far, the new organization has 300 members and aims  to represent Jewish students while "engaging in global Jewish matters." Earlier today at a news conference, representatives from the group discussed current issues facing Jewish students attending Canadian universities.

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Guidance for Holocaust Education in School Curriculum Promised for Next School Year in Manitoba

The Manitoba government announced on Monday that new curriculum guidance on Holocaust education for kindergarten to Grade 11 students will be rolled out during the next school year. The announcement was made on Yom HaShoah, the same day that FSWC's Tour for Humanity bus launched its week-long visit to Winnipeg to deliver Holocaust and human rights education to students.

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Police Order B.C. Woman Who Praised Hamas Not to Protest for 5 Months, Says Her Group

Charlotte Kates, a senior member of Samidoun - a group with ties to the terror group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - was arrested last week after she referred to the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre in Israel as a "heroic and brave action" and chanted "long live Oct. 7" at a demonstration in Vancouver.

Kates was released with an order not to attend any protests for the next five months until her court date on Oct. 8, as Vancouver police conduct a hate crime investigation.

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Vaughan City Council Endorses Proposed Bylaw to Ban Protests Near Places of Worship

Vaughan City Council has unanimously endorsed a resolution proposed by Mayor Steven Del Duca to prohibit demonstrations that intimidate or incite hate or violence within 100 metres of places of worship and other vulnerable community spaces. This comes after a number of hateful demonstrations were held outside Jewish institutions in the city.

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Hamas Killing Spree Haunts Holocaust Survivors in 'March of the Living'

Israel's Holocaust commemorations this year have a searing significance for six elderly survivors now deeply scarred by the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7 that sparked the ongoing Gaza war.

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German Students Research Fates of Their School's Jews to Bring Nazi-Era Horrors Home

Since 2015, more than 150 students at a high school in Cologne, Germany have taken a yearlong elective that involves researching the fate of the school's Jewish students and reaching out to their relatives. The project culminates with students placing "stumbling stones" in the school courtyard for girls who were murdered in the Holocaust or otherwise victimized by the Nazis.

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Report Antisemitism and News of Concern to FSWC

If you would like to report antisemitism or news of concern to Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, please email

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Chai Sponsor

Platinum Sponsors

Fred and Linda Waks and Family

The Honey and Barry Sherman Legacy Foundation