FSWC: Planting Seeds of Hope
FSWC's education department continues to deliver workshops and other programs to students in Ontario and, on an increasing basis, across Canada. Creating meaningful, impactful programs for elementary and secondary students is always on our mind. How do we ensure the message is being heard? What are the long-lasting impacts of the programs we deliver? Do the ideas stay with students as they move through their academic careers? What impact are we having?
This year FSWC will be working with a research team along with past educators whose students have participated in FSWC education programs to develop and collect metrics that will assist us in measuring this impact.
While tangible measurements are important, we will also continue to gather anecdotal feedback that will provide a narrative to the numbers and statistics. As we begin this process, we wanted to share with you a comment that was sent our way from a teacher right before the holidays.
Building a kind, tolerant and inclusive world is a responsibility we all share and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre helps us to plant those important seeds of hope with our students.
We strive every day to continue to plant the seeds for future generations with the hope of creating a more respectful, inclusive and peaceful world.
Increasing Demand for Professional Development
Requests for education and training about antisemitism, a trend that started early in 2021, has only continued to grow in the new year. From law firms and education organizations to businesses and government agencies, FSWC is working to fill the demand for this program that is finding space in both the education and advocacy fields. Diving deep into historical antisemitic myths and tropes while making connections to contemporary manifestations of this hate guide our programming. Illustrating this timeline with examples, in particular incidents of antisemitism in Canada, is helping to build an understanding of the dangers of this hatred and its prevalence in society today.
Tour for Humanity: Notes from the Road
The Tour for Humanity (T4H) will be back on the road next week as we slowly move back to in-person learning. All precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of students and staff on the bus. It will be great to start visiting schools again!
We are also excited for the arrival of Tour for Humanity 2, which is scheduled to arrive in the coming months.