Saskatchewan Becomes Latest Province to Mandate Holocaust Education

November 20, 2023

News Release

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Toronto (November 20, 2023) – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) applauds the Government of Saskatchewan for announcing mandatory Holocaust education in high schools.

In a statement issued today, the Saskatchewan government said Holocaust education will be a compulsory component of its renewed Grade 10 social studies curriculum, effective with the 2025-26 school year. It will involve input from teachers, content experts and the Jewish community.

“This is an incredibly commendable step taken by the Government of Saskatchewan and its Ministry of Education, which comes at a critical time of surging antisemitism across the country,” said FSWC President and CEO Michael Levitt. “As we see a rise in Holocaust denial and distortion, it’s important that young people learn about this tragic chapter in history so they can better understand the danger of hate left unchecked and be inspired to stand up against it.”

Saskatchewan joins a number of other provinces that previously announced mandatory Holocaust education for students, including Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.