The Wiesenthal team has been undertaking precautionary measures and adjusting its operations to ensure the health and wellness of our constituency, students, educators and employees. Our office remains open and we have developed plans to continue operations in the event that all or some of our staff need to work remotely. We have configured technology and equipped our staff to enable us to conduct our affairs in an efficient and effective manner – ensuring our advocacy and engagement is uninterrupted.
Our expert staff are ready to continue receiving and responding to public concerns and developments. We are driven to maintain the level of support, social service and focus during this tumultuous time. We are warmed by the maintenance of excellent and generous support from our members who have reached out and continue to donate to ensure the charity remains resolute and strong.
We have developed plans to continue to research and publish our findings; monitor national and international issues; build educational capacities and act accordingly. We are implementing innovative programs like podcasts and webinars for our upcoming programs. We also hope to help the most frail in our community adjust to the crisis – particularly Holocaust survivors.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or anyone on the Wiesenthal team should you have any questions. We greatly value our relationship with you. We are confident that we will get through this together and wish everyone the best during this difficult time.
Wishing you and your family a peaceful Shabbat,
Avi Benlolo