Allyship is a process of relationship-building based on cooperation, effort and mutual respect. In the context of multiple groups, allyship may be referred to as “coalition-building” or “solidarity.” Being an ally presents opportunities to foster awareness and growth. It requires us to reflect on our privileges and ask ourselves how we can leverage it to help others. An ally is someone who:
When getting involved in allyship work, you should ask yourself: “Is the allyship I’m offering “authentic” or “performative” in nature?” Authentic allyship involves educating yourself effectively, examining your personal biases, holding yourself and others accountable, and having empathy and courage to speak up.
On the other hand, ‘performative’ allyship is self-serving and self-glorifying. It consists of showing off on public profiles/social media, posting about something that is a ‘hot topic’ in the news, and/or being unwilling or resentful of engaging in meaningful action. To be an effective ally, it’s important to practice authentic allyship.
Allyship is a process of relationship-building based on cooperation, effort and mutual respect. In the context of multiple groups, allyship may be referred to as “coalition-building” or “solidarity.” Being an ally presents opportunities to foster awareness and growth. It requires us to reflect on our privileges and ask ourselves how we can leverage it to help others. An ally is someone who:
Jews are often represented in the news or other forms of media. When you see these representations, ask yourself, “does this relate to the disinformation about Jews being perpetuated?” We must think deeply about how embedded antisemitism is in Western and other cultures.
Understand what it means to be Jewish. Although we often learn about Jewish hatred , it’s imperative to understand that the Jewish experience is so much more than just antisemitism. Jews are a highly resilient nation and ethnic group that has created incredible culture and made untold major contributions to the world.
Jews must be allowed to tell Jewish stories. They must be given space to advocate for themselves. Allyship is not about speaking over Jews, it’s about giving space and listening when they speak about their experiences.
Jews must be able to define their identities and experiences. Non-Jews will have their own ideas of these things based on the socialization they have experienced. That’s okay. But allyship is about listening and understanding and questioning our own ideas and not imposing them on a community of which we are not a part.
If it’s antisemitism, call it antisemitism. For example, although the swastika had a very different history before the Holocaust, it was co-opted by Nazis and today in North America, along with many other parts of the world, it represents the murder of six million Jewish men, women, and children along with millions of other victims. The Nazi salute, using phrases like ‘heil Hitler,’ replacing the Star of David with a swastika on the Israeli flag – these are forms of antisemitism.
To cultivate an environment where people feel safe and heard, when someone comes forward about being discriminated against, or as being the victim of a hate incident or antisemitism, it is important to make this individual feel supported and acknowledge that it’s a serious issue that will be addressed.
Educate yourself about the history of antisemitism and how it affects Jewish communities today. Teach about what antisemitism looks like, and the misuse and power of words and symbols. Additionally, educate others about what it means to be Jewish. Let Jewish voices stand alongside all others. If given the opportunity, provide people with appropriate resources. Give them tools to learn about antisemitism/discrimination, as well as action plans with steps on what to do when experiencing and/or witnessing a situation of discrimination or a hate-related incident. For example, circulating the Ally Tool Kit or providing a list of relevant articles and books is a good starting point.
Enable learning about the rich diversity of what it means to be Jewish. Invite Jewish colleagues, students, and/or friends to comment if a situation or incident occurs and allow them the chance to explain their perspective. Provide Jews with a safe space to speak their truth.
Be an ally. Be a voice that supports Jewish students, friends and/or colleagues. Don’t wait for someone Jewish to speak out against antisemitism – use your voice.
If someone you know has experienced discrimination/antisemitism, reach out and provide support. Know that there are many organizations working in this space to support you – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of those organizations.
Digital activism utilizes digital tools like your phone, computer and social media to affect social or political change. With a quick search, we are bombarded with information about things happening around the world. Thus, it’s important to know how to utilize the technology available to us to engage and educate, while doing right by others. (Note – on side graphic: “Stay safe while interacting online and prepare for backlash. Speaking out does not come without costs; for example, the way in which people respond to you, etc.”)
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are effective in spreading the messages of a movement, gathering support and sharing/exchanging information. To be a ‘digital’ ally, try to find, for example, Facebook groups connected to issues you’re passionate about and wish to support. Social media platforms, like Facebook, are also useful for finding events, organizing and sharing initiatives, knowledge and resources.
In addition to Facebook, Instagram has emerged as a popular platform for activists and sharing information. Find accounts that cover or support Jewish rights, the Holocaust, fighting antisemitism and other issues you are passionate about. Follow activists. Look for events like webinars, town halls, local community initiatives and the like. For example, the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Instagram page features daily posts about our upcoming events, in person and online.
Also, follow trending hashtags on Twitter and follow activists as well as human rights organizations, individuals or politicians that support Jewish rights and the fight against antisemitism.
While social media platforms aid in activism and information dissemination, they can also spread hate speech, bias and misinformation (NOTE – popup/link to Michael’s column). Ahmed Shaheed, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, noted in a 2019 report growing concerns over online platforms that permit hate speech. Some examples include platforms such as “Gab” (a Twitter-like platform) and “4chan.”
Antisemitism online is growing and contributing to rising hate crimes. According to B’nai Brith Canada’s Annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, in 2021 there were 2,799 antisemitic incidents in Canada, and a 12% rise in online antisemitism. To be an ally on social media, watch for posts on social platforms that include antisemitic rhetoric, Jew-hate, anti-Israel hate, hate crimes, hate speech, discrimination, etc.
If you notice any activity on social media or in the news, flag it directly on the platform, and to FSWC’s advocacy department respectively. If you see any hateful content, tag us, direct message us or email us at: advocacy@fswc.ca.
There is no singular “one size fits all” response that an ally should follow when confronted with antisemitism. The way an ally responds to an antisemitic incident can depend on a wide variety of factors – for example, comfort level with your peers/colleagues, and institutional supports that may or may not be available. This section provides practical advice on how you, as an ally, can respond if you witness any of the following scenarios, which can be adapted to fit specific circumstances:
1) An individual who considers themself a staunch anti-racist makes a series of anti-Israel/anti-Jewish posts on social media (ex: memes with warped images of Jews with racist features, accusing Israel of apartheid, etc.) and shares it widely.
2) An individual uses the expression of having been ‘Jewed’ out of something, or otherwise casually expresses a negative stereotype about Jews – they are rich, powerful, control Hollywood, media, etc.
3) An individual mentions something about being Jewish (i.e. notes a Jewish holiday is coming up), and someone makes a comment afterwards about how awful Israel is, oppression of Palestinians, etc.
4) A workplace, school, or other institution has diversity and inclusion programming and events that focus on many minority communities and their struggle against discrimination and hate, but not on Jews and the fight against antisemitism.
5) An anonymous workplace survey goes around asking individuals to self-identify their ethnicity. The survey gives “Jewish” as an option under the “white” category.
Are there Jewish staff members, students, and/or friends you can turn to?
If so, bring the incident to their attention and ask them to share their view and/or knowledge in relation to the incident if they feel comfortable and safe to do so.
Is there a human resources representative at your company, or a guidance counsellor at your school that you trust?
If so, consult with this individual. Work collaboratively to determine the appropriate steps to take and/or report the incident.
Have you brought the incident to the attention of management or someone in a position of authority?
If necessary, discuss the incident further with someone in an upper management/leadership role. Ensure that incidents are addressed and discussed openly so they won’t reoccur.
Is there an anonymous reporting system at your company/school/organization?
Many institutions have an anonymous reporting system to allow employees to confidentially submit an incident report and share valued feedback on issues about discrimination and/or harassment. This way, targeted individuals can express their concerns without fear of retaliation or identification.
Is there a third party that
can provide assistance?
If you think an impartial opinion or assistance is necessary, contact us; we will keep your information fully confidential and offer you support.
Bystander Intervention reinforces a sense of community. It’s about recognizing someone else’s struggle or pain, and modeling empathy without necessarily abandoning your safety. Being an active bystander sends a message to those that cause harm, that harassment visibility and acknowledgement is widespread, and that people will be held accountable for their actions.If you are a witness to antisemitism or a hate crime/incident, remember the Five Steps of Bystander Intervention:
If you know someone that was a victim of a hate crime/incident, consider the following:
In these situations, it’s critical to prioritize the physical safety of all involved. Trust your instincts, remove yourself from the situation and reach out to others to ensure further safety.
Being a target of a hate crime/incident is never the victim’s fault. Violence and intimidation are never acceptable. However, to diffuse a potentially dangerous situation, you should prioritize de-escalation over confronting the perpetrator.
If you can do so safely, verbally establish physical boundaries and call the perpetrator out on their behaviour. Calling attention to their actions and publicly shaming them may de-escalate the situation and will make others aware of the incident.
Help the victim record any defining characteristics of the perpetrator if you can. Write down their age, gender, height, race, clothes, weight and any other distinguishable characteristics. Reliving the incident can be traumatic but recording what happened is crucial for filing a report and bringing the perpetrator(s) to justice.
Help the victim reach out to the police/local law enforcement to file a report of the incident. If you file a police report, make sure to record the officer’s name and badge number, get your own copy of the police report (preliminary reports included), and ensure the incident is filed as a ‘hate crime/incident.’