Asdoctors, we dedicate ourselves to the health and welfare of the public. We understand that prevention and inoculation prevents outbreaks andepidemics.
Weare currently confronting an outbreak that is trending hard toward anepidemic. One can barely open anewspaper or turn on a television without hearing about another horrific antisemiticincident or attack. University campuses are overrun with anti-Israel, BDSand antisemitic messaging. Jewish sites are regularly vandalized anddesecrated and Jewish organizations receive threats on a daily basis. Just this week, the JCC in downtown Torontowas evacuated after receiving a bomb threat. Downtown Toronto.
Thisrising tide is causing anxiety and even despair in our community. We worry about our children growing up in aworld where open hatred of Jews is becoming mainstream. Nevertheless, it is sometimes difficult toknow what to do about it so we stick our heads in the sand. We convince ourselves that the storm willpass or that “someone” will step up to expose and confront the hatred.
TheFriends of Simon Wiesenthal Center is that “someone”. The staff at the FSWC work day and night tobattle anti-Semitism. Their educationalcampaigns such as the Tour for Humanity reach thousands of impressionableOntario students to deliver a counter-narrative of tolerance andinclusiveness. Freedom Day touchesnearly 4,000 students a year and is a celebration of our Canadian freedomand democratic values. Speaker's Idolencourages students to speak their minds about making the world a better place. FSWC cultivates key alliances with our government, police forces andcivic officials. As alumni of the Compassionto Action mission to the death camps of Poland and the promised land of Israel,we are first hand witnesses to its transformative effect on police chiefs,educators and politicians.
Asco-chairs of the Doctors for Wiesenthal (D4W) section of FSWC, we view antisemitism and Holocaust denial as apandemic infection that is spreading through our communities, our country, and the world. If you have not done so already, we wouldlike to invite you to become part of the solution by supporting the Friends ofSimon Wiesenthal Centre financially and with your active engagement by joiningthe ranks of D4W.
Wewould be happy to discuss FSWC’s many important initiatives and events with youpersonally but for now, we wish to draw your attention to the upcoming Spiritof Hope Gala on May 18th. This is the flagship event of the year and isalways a great evening with interesting high profile guests and amazingentertainment. The proceeds fund the crucial efforts and initiativesdescribed above and that are so important to our cause.
Thebest way to get involved is to commit to attending the Spirit of Hope. You may wish to get a group of friends orcolleagues together and buy a table. Please reach out to us personally if you wouldlike to discuss any of this further or need any information or assistance.
Dr.Mark Korman & Dr. Phil Solomon