Planting Seeds of Hope and Peace
Tonight Jewish communities around the world join Israel incelebrating Jewish 'Green Day'. Not, of course, the famous rock bank, but theholiday celebrated in the land of Israel for more than 2,500 years: Tu B'Shevat(the 15th day of the month of Shevat in the Hebrew calendar).
An agricultural commemoration of renewal typically celebrated by the plantingof trees, this 'New Year of the Trees' is, in fact, the original 'green'movement - one that recognizes the significance of land stewardship and theimportance of a healthy ecology to all living things.
This Jewish connection to the land and nature is fundamental to the Israeliingenuity that 'made the desert bloom'. The greening of a desolate and aridland stems from the Jewish belief in life as the highest value. Theunderstanding of the sacred nature of the land has made Israel one of thegreenest countries in the Middle East. By honouring the natural world, TuB'Shevat is in essence a joyous celebration of life itself.
Just as Israel is committed to nurturing the land through the planting oftrees, so too do we at Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) work tonurture humanity by planting our own seeds of hope and peace. Our methods areeducation and outreach; like waiting for a seed to grow into a tree, thisprocess takes time and patience - but the end result is often just asmagnificent.
I can think of no better example than FSWC'supcoming presentation of the film "Come out Fighting" withHolocaust survivor Max Eisen in recognition of Black History Month.The film is the story of the segregated, African-American 761st Tank Battalionof the U.S. Army - an American fighting unit that liberated Ebenseeconcentration camp on May 6, 1945. The film was named for the battalion's motto"Come out fighting." Eisen, who credits the unit with saving hislife, will lead a Question and Answer session after the screening on Thursday,February 23 at 7.00 p.m. Email education@fswc.ca fordetails and registration.
This story is just one profound and moving example ofcompassionate understanding overcoming animosity and hate.
Here's another: thisweek the New York Times ran an article about an unusual sentence handeddown to five teenagers who defaced a historic black schoolhouse in Virginiawith antisemitic and racist graffiti: they were ordered to read books by ElieWiesel, Chaim Potok, Leon Uris, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwoodand many others. As one of the lawyers in this case noted, "We are seizingthe opportunity to treat this as an educational experience for these young menso they may better appreciate the significance of their actions and the impactthis type of behavior has on communities and has had throughout history."
This is the philosophy that fuels FSWC's annual SpeakersIdol competition for students in Grades 6 - 12. On March 29, 2017, 10student finalists in two age categories will present their speeches on SimonWiesenthal's observation: "For evil to flourish, it only requires goodmen/women to do nothing." Vying for prizes and academic glory, these youngcontestants - well versed in issues of justice, tolerance and human rights, arethe fruit borne of the seeds of hope we continue to plant in workshops andprograms across Ontario every single day.