Today we are in Tecumseh, a small town outside of Windsor to work with students in the Windsor Essex Catholic School Board. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Elena taught 6 workshops throughout the day to Grades 7-8 students, all on the Canadian Experience. The school had done a lot of prep work on the Holocaust and it certainly showed in the knowledge demonstrated by students. It was a pleasure to work with them and although Elena didn't have a ton of questions throughout the day, there still were a few excellent ones asked. One student wanted to know how Hitler was able to acquire so much power over such a short amount of time, while another asked Elena to explain Hungary's relationship to Germany during this time. There was far less knowledge about the Canadian side of the presentation and Elena found that most students had never even heard of residential schools. This gave Elena the opportunity to lay the foundation of understanding on the topic. Elena really tried to relate some of the information to their own lives, asking the students to imagine how they would feel about going home to their reservation after graduating if they had been in a school where they were taught to be ashamed of their parents and wider Indigenous community. Would they want to live there? Elena also made sure to emphasize that the school system was fundamentally racist but that did not mean that all of the people who worked in them were bad or didn't care about the students. But even people with good intentions can cause life-long trauma.