Today Tour for Humanity braved thewintery weather and traveled to Barrie to work with a group of elementary Catholic school students. There were 5 workshops with Grades 3-7 on the bus. Each group was veryinterested in the topic, and subsequently asked a lot of questions and wanted toknow more.
A few highlights:
The first group of the day was a Grade 6/7 class. When Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella was discussing theconsequences of bullying, she showed the class images of young people who hadtaken their own lives as a result. One of which was Rehtaeh Parsons, a young girl from NovaScotia. Daniella noticed a hand shoot up immediately. A boy in the class told everyonethat he was directly connected to her because she had been a friend of hiscousin. This made the story very meaningful and allowed Daniella to really connectthe past and present with the students.
The Grade 6 class spent a lot of time trying to understand how bad theconditions were for Jewish people on the trains as they were being sent to concentration camps. The students struggled with understanding how people could betreated so badly.At the end of one workshop a teacher stayed behind to ask more informationabout our organization so that she could pass on the information to her son'sschool.
Despite the weather it was a good day filled with meaningful workshops.