FSWC Education Report: February 27, 2018

February 27, 2018

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Today Tour for Humanity spent the day at a secondary school in Aylmer, Ontario. The town of 7,500 people is located close to Lake Erie, approximately 40km south of London. Today actually marked our second visit to the school, the first one being part of a St. Thomas area trip in December 2014. During today’s visit Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella worked with 4 groups of Grade 10 History students in Global Perspectives workshops. I was quite surprised by how knowledgeable students were on the topic of genocide - evidently a great deal of work is being done by some outstanding teachers. During the last class of the day Daniella asked the students to define genocide and tell her what they knew about it. Several students raised their hands and offered definitions such as “the elimination of a race of people” and “wiping out a group of people based on a characteristic like religion." Daniella then spent some time discussing the concept of race and religion as it pertained to the Jewish people and Nazi ideology. Daniella asked the class why they thought that Hitler chose the yellow star to identity Jewish people and multiple students knew right away where the star originally came from. During the second class of the day we spent time analyzing a few Nazi propaganda posters and how the Jewish people were often depicted. Daniella tied this imagery into the broader conversation about antisemitism.