Today Tour for Humanity trekked through the snow to Ancaster, just west of Hamilton to a Catholic secondary school where Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella worked with Grades 10 and 12 students through our Global Perspectives workshop.The Grade 12s were part of a very unique and specialized course called “Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.” Being very early in the semester, our material acted as a great introduction to many of the topics that the class will be covering later in the course.The Grade 10 students were also very early in their history course, but one of the teachers told me specifically that she jumped ahead to the Holocaust in order for her class to get the most out of their experience on Tour for Humanity. This was certainly evident in the students’ behaviour during the workshop. They asked a lot of questions and constantly wanted to know more about the Holocaust. When Daniella discussed the size of the cattle cars that Jewish prisoners were often deported in relative to the size of the Tour for Humanity bus, the students looked horrified. (Daniella asked about the size of the school population earlier and worked out that roughly all Grade 10 students would have to fit onto the Tour for Humanity bus in order to represent a general deportation on a cattle car).