Today Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center’s (FSWC) Education Department continued its week in Barrie with the Tour for Humanity at a Catholic school. FSWC Educator Daniella spent the day working with Grade 4 and 5 students, all of whom participated in the Simon’s Story workshop. As usual, when working with younger students there were interesting anecdotes and questions. One class was particularly interested in why the Nazis targeted people like Simon Wiesenthal, with students asking why the Jewish people couldn’t just change their names and pretend they weren’t Jewish. Daniella tried to explain to the class that although some people were able to get false identification papers, it was quite difficult and most people didn’t have that option.The majority of the students come from European backgrounds and many were quick to share their grandparents' and great-grandparents’ war stories. One girl told the class that her grandfather was born in England during the war when “bombs were dropping all around the house” while another student shared a story her mother had told her about a relative being captured by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. Daniella used these stories as well as Simon Wiesenthal’s story to relate the material to them and make it personal.