FSWC Files Hate Complaint with Calgary Police

February 1, 2018


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Toronto (February 1, 2018) - Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center of Holocaust Studies (FSWC) alerted Calgary Police Service last nightafter becoming aware of  antisemitic web postings by a group called Muslims in Calgary.

FSWCraised concerns in particular regarding an article promoting Holocaust denial by whitesupremacist David Duke, which was posted to the group’s website on International HolocaustRemembrance Day this past weekend.  

The police were also alerted to thegroup’s Facebook page, which featured an infographic depicting a swastika and linked to anarticle which asserted antisemitic claims, including Holocaust denial andconspiracy theories of organ harvesting by Jews. While the postings are now inactive, Calgary police responded quickly to launch an investigation.

Antisemitic image that appeared on Muslims in Calgary website

Screenshot from Muslims in Calgary website promoting article by Holocaust denier David Duke