FSWC Gaza Project Appeal

August 27, 2018


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Dear Supporter,

You and I have watched with growing alarm as Israel has been targeted by Hamas with a new wave of terrorist attacks, including not only missiles, but also mass riots. Civilians, co-mingled with Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, have repeatedly tried to breach Israel’s international border, with the goal of killing Jews in adjacent areas.

Outrageously, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) even got in on the act, suddenly closing its 267 schools for two days this spring so that many of their hundreds of thousands of students might join in what Hamas planned would be the bloodiest day of rioting.

Indeed, 62 Palestinians were killed that day – 53 of them terrorists. It is hard to conceive of a greater example of mass child abuse than that cynical move.

But that doesn’t mean Hamas won’t try.

We have now confirmed that many of those same students, aged 9-15 years old, have been training in “summer camps” administered by Hamas and staffed by many Hamas supporters who teach in those UNRWA schools.

We have seen shocking video of young girls from a UNRWA school filling balloons with kerosene. These are then floated into Israel to start fires that have destroyed thousands of acres of crops and nature preserves.

But the crowning moment of the summer activities? Teaching children how to fire military-grade weapons using live ammunition.

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) offered our support to our trusted partners at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, who, with colleagues in the Middle East, are working to obtain proof that will expose Hamas’ perfidy in Gaza. The preliminary footage of children wearing military-style uniforms and marching with wooden “weapons” was alarming enough.

But the specter of youngsters crawling under barbed wire, jumping through rings of fire, and yes, learning how to use machine guns against Israelis is a nightmare scenario that may be too horrible to imagine…but is exactly what Hamas is doing to Gaza’s children.

That is why FSWC is helping launch a new strategic campaign called The Gaza Project. This three-pronged campaign will support our work to get accurate information on the ground…demand that countries providing aid to the Palestinians insist on accountability and transparency…and push UN officials and funders of UNRWA to stop teaching children hate and denial of their Jewish neighbors under the banner of the UN.

Your help is essential if this effort is to succeed. Please make a generous donation to help FSWC launch The Gaza Project. You will support our work to demand that the international community stop excusing Palestinian terrorism and halt aid to Gaza without accountability. And you’ll help us work with activists to keep Hamas’ fundamental violations of human rights in the public eye.

With your help, our first action will be exposing activities in Hamas’ “summer camps” and the involvement of some teachers at UNRWA, an agency that receives massive financial aid from 40 nations – from Canada, to Germany, to Japan – as it oversees all education and health care needs in the Gaza strip.

You can picture it: children training for war in summer camp even as Israelis in the south huddle in shelters as Hamas rockets rain down on them. We must expose the truth of this brainwashing and massive abuse of children!

And as the Gaza/Israel border teeters on the brink of war, I shudder to think what could happen next, how easy it would be for Hamas to run up casualties – particularly youngsters – to serve their media and Internet propaganda campaigns. Israeli soldiers there to defend civilians will be challenged to safeguard the border fences even as Palestinian youngsters are used as cannon fodder for ongoing riots!

It’s a truth the international community does not want to hear or see. With the exception of the U.S., dozens of donor nations to the Palestinians remain silent on terrorist missiles, terror kites, and terror tunnels. The UN Security Council rebutted a U.S.-proposed resolution to condemn Hamas by name for the first time ever. Led by France, the Council instead voted on a resolution blaming Israel, forcing the U.S. Ambassador to exercise a veto.

You know you can count on FSWC to take action – at the UN, in Ottawa, among opinion makers and the media, and from the streets of Gaza itself. With your help, we will expose the inconvenient truths of Hamas’ tactics in Gaza and demand action from the world: Stop underwriting the brainwashing of Arab children and stop the conspiracy of silence when the targets of terrorism are Jews.

The Gaza Project will bring the shocking facts directly to the UN, to the U.S. Congress and to the heads of those countries that have been issuing UNRWA a virtual blank check while Hamas supporters on their staffs teach hate, not peace.

Tensions at the Gaza border are at the breaking point as terrorist Hamas diverts foreign aid away from their own citizens to build terror tunnels…hides weapons and ammunition in civilian areas…and uses Palestinian children as the kindling to start a conflagration with Israel that could potentially engulf the entire Middle East.

UN Secretary General Gutteres must act. The UN must clean house in Gaza and reform its entire approach to the Palestinian issue if there’s to be any hope of peace for our grand children and theirs.

But to have any impact, we desperately need your help to empower us to tell the truth and demand change. Please make a generous, tax-deductible gift today – for Gaza’s children, and for all innocents caught in the dangerous web of Hamas’ influence.



Avi Benlolo
President and CEO


P.S. The leadership in Gaza claims it has no money to feed its people, no money for electricity. But they do have money to train over 100,000 children to use ammunition and military weapons. Give to FSWC’s Gaza Project today to help force the international community to STOP providing money without accountability and to demand an end to their blatant child abuse!

Donate today to help us in this effort.