Quote of the Day
"There are those who prefer to repress their past and consider it a 'black hole' which does not require examination or soul-searching. There are those who think, especially today... that the fact that they were under Nazi occupation frees them from any moral, personal or national responsibility for the atrocities which took place in their country...."
- Israeli President Reuven Rivlin during a visit to Croatia, discussing the Nazi-backed Ustasha regime
Failure to Sincerely and Honestly Confront Ustasha Crimes
In an opinion piece, Efraim Zuroff – Simon Wiesenthal Center's chief Nazi hunter and director of the Israel Office and Eastern European Affairs – writes about the failure to “sincerely and honestly confront Ustasha crimes” in Croatia, as ultranationalists continue to have power and influence in the country, Holocaust distortion runs rampant throughout Eastern Europe and political leaders stay silent.
Labour Party Investigating 250 Complaints of Antisemitism
The UK Labour Party is reportedly looking into more than 250 complaints of antisemitism. Many verbal incidents took place on social media platforms, attacking MP Margaret Hodge who recently spoke out against Jeremy Corbyn and reportedly called him an “antisemitic racist.” According to the head of complaints of the Labour Party, all 252 names have been processed and members of the party have been identified.
While you are here, take a moment to learn about us
Freedom Day is one of FSWC's many educational events that inspire today's youth to stand up against hate and intolerance. Being held on September 18 this year, the event brings hundreds of students from across Ontario to Yonge-Dundas Square for an afternoon of activities, performances and inspirational speakers all in the name of freedom. Your donations help support and ensure the success of this and our many other educational programs.
Israeli Exhibition at UN Shows Damage Caused by Fire Terrorism
An exhibition set up by Israel at the UN headquarters in New York this week reveals the damage caused by incendiary balloons and kites being flown into Israel from Gaza. The exhibition features photographs taken over the last few months, putting an emphasis on Hamas’s ecological terrorism.
New Legislation Introduced to Drastically Cut US Funding for UNRWA
Lawmakers in the US have introduced new legislation that would drastically reduce US funding for UNRWA. While UNRWA says there are 5.2 million Palestinian refugees, a recent American survey found that there are only 20,000 Palestinian refugees living in the world today. If passed, the legislation will “redefine how Palestinian refugees are viewed by the international community, reducing millions in U.S. aid dollars to UNRWA.”
Fear Among Jews Rising in Europe: Study
The study looked at five countries – including Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK – and examined various indicators of societal change such as increased immigration from predominantly Muslim countries and measured perceptions of antisemitism held by individuals from various religious, social and ethnic groups. The report noted a rising fear among Jews in all the countries studied.
From the Arab World
Seven thousand cases of children killed or maimed in Syria’s seven-year war have been verified, but unverified reports put the number beyond 20,000, said the UN. In 2014, the UN admitted it had stopped counting deaths in Syria due to lack of access to much of the country, in turn relying on other monitoring groups’ unverified accounts.
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Report Antisemitism and News of Concern to FSWC
If you would like to report antisemitism or news of concern to Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, please email aborisovsky@fswc.ca.