1. Jewish Ryerson Social Work Student Prevented from Placement at Jewish Organizations
FSWC has reached out to the president and chancellor of Ryerson University after a shocking revelation was made by the Toronto Sun yesterday. The Toronto Sun broke the story of soon-to-be former Ryerson student Rebecca Katzman, who alleges - with evidence - that she was prevented from a placement with Toronto-area Jewish organizations as part of her Social Work program. Katzman showed revealed emails which prove that an employee with Ryerson University - Heather Bain - prevented Katzman from being placed with the Jewish organizations she had requested. Bain stated that the organizations did not sufficiently work against "anti-racism" and "anti-oppression" causes, and then implied that the organizations actively work against the goals of the "Palestinian people."
"If what is reported here is accurate, then the harshest disciplinary action should have been taken and Ryerson University should have issued a public and well-publicized apology," says Avi Benlolo, FSWC President and CEO. This appalling situation follows other incidents of apparent antisemitism at Ryerson University - a troubling trend which only seems to be getting worse.
2. UN Chief Pulls Support for West Bank Women's Centre Named After Notorious Terrorist
The United Nations has pulled its support for a women's centre in the West Bank after it was named after notorious terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. In 1978, Mughrabi -- along with other Fatah terrorists -- participated in the hijacking of a bus on Israel's Coastal Road, which resulted in the deaths of 38 Israelis and more than 70 injured.
"The United Nations disassociated itself from the Center once it learned the offensive name chosen for it and will take measures to ensure that such incidents do not take place in the future," a spokesperson for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement. "The glorification of terrorism, or the perpetrators of heinous terrorist acts, is unacceptable under any circumstances."
According to the UN's statement, the inauguration of the centre took place following UN's association with it and the organization has since demanded the removal of the UN Women logo from the centre's building. This move comes two days after Norway condemned the name choice for the centre, requesting the return of funds Norway donated for the construction of the centre and the removal of the country's name from the building.
3. National Post Features Robert Lantos' Call to Learn the Lessons of History, Fight False Narrative About Israel
A power speech presented at this year's Spirit of Hope Benefit by Robert Lantos, a Canadian film producer and Chair of the event, was featured in the National Post on Thursday. The speech which captivated an audience of more than 2000 people examines current movements such as the antisemitic BDS campaign that we often see on campuses, anti-Israel UN resolutions, and increasing rates of antisemitic hate crimes -- and how false narratives about Israel are feeding a new wave of Jew hatred.
"Libelous fabrications, like 'Israel Apartheid' and 'Zionist aggression,' are the pretext for the BDS movement, whose stated objective is the destruction of the Jewish State," Lantos expressed. "Their false narrative has hijacked progressive hearts and minds and become gospel in politically correct circles." Read his full speech here.
4. Woodstock Police Investigating Series of Antisemitic and Racist Graffiti Incidents
Police in Woodstock, Ont. are investigating a series of antisemitic and racist vandalism incidents that happened overnight, including a swastika spray painted on a monument as well as racial comments and profanities on a church, vehicles, garage doors, and the side of a house. Removal may take anywhere from two hours to two days to remove, costing around $2000.If you are reading this and are not an FSWC supporter - we hope you will help us continue this important national source of news and information. Donate to FSWC today.
5. Canadian Jewish Heritage Month Act Presented for First Reading in House of Commons Today
After passing in the Senate almost two weeks ago, the Canadian Jewish Heritage Month Act will now need to be passed by the House of Commons to officially become law. Earlier today, the first reading took place - which was introduced by Liberal MP Michael Levitt, seconded by Conservative MP Peter Kent, and supported by NDP MP Randall Garrison.
6. President Trump Reportedly 'Screamed' at Palestinian Authority President Abbas During Meeting in Judea
US President Donald Trump reportedly "screamed" at Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a tense meeting in Bethlehem last week, according to US sources. Trump was apparently incensed that Abbas had "deceived" him regarding his support for the peace process with Israel, shouting, "You deceived me in Washington. You spoke to me about peace, but the Israelis showed me that you personally have a hand in incitement." During his trip to Israel, Trump became the first sitting US President to visit the Western Wall in Israel's capital city Jerusalem, and met with both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as well as top-ranking Palestinian officials.
7. Radical Islamic Militants Target Egyptian Coptic Christians in Bus Massacre, 29 Dead
Radical Islamic militants killed 29 Coptic Christians in a brazen attack in Western Egypt on Friday, continuing a pattern of sectarian violence against Egypt's Christian minority which has increased in intensity in recent months. ISIS said on Saturday that their fighters were responsible for launching the attack against a bus carrying a group of Coptic Christians - most of whom were women and children - that was travelling through a remote part of Egypt on its way to visit an isolated Christian monastery. The attackers reportedly boarded the bus and demanded the passengers recite the Islamic declaration of faith - and when they refused, the militants opened fired, killing 29 and injuring 24 others.
8. British-Jewish Teenager Targeted by Muslim Classmates at Berlin School
A British-Jewish teenager says that he was beaten and bullied at his school in Berlin by his Muslim classmates - many of whom hail from an immigrant background. The teenager, who is the grandson of Holocaust survivors and is referred to only by his first name Ferdinand, says that his classmates of mainly Middle Eastern and Turkish origin routinely physically and verbally assaulted him for being Jewish - and even threatened to shoot him with a mock-gun which he was led to believe was real. The boy told media that "first my Turkish friend Emre said he could no longer hang out with me because I was Jewish. Then other pupils started saying stereotypical things about how Jews only want money and hate Muslims."
9. FSWC at Work
As we enter the last month of the school year, FSWC's award-winning, state-of-the-art mobile learning classroom, the Tour for Humanity, now begins to prepare for an even stronger schedule in 2017-18 after our ground-breaking and historic successes in 2016-17. The Tour has travelled to all corners of Ontario in the past 10 months, including northern Ontario, rural-eastern Ontario, the Ottawa metropolitan area, the entirety of the greater Toronto area, south-eastern Ontario and Hamilton, and the farmlands of south-western Ontario! FSWC encourages all those looking to get last minute bookings for the end of this school year - or looking to begin preparations for next year - to contact Melissa Mikel at mmikel@fswc.ca!
FSWC is a designated Canadian charitable organization that provides tax receipts for charitable contributions. A donation to FSWC is tax deductible and provides an incredible footprint of direct action in our community. If you want to change lives and provide for positive community development, consider extending your philanthropy to Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center this spring.