Countdown to State of the Union: Only 8 Days Left!
To RSVP, contact Tracey Steyn at tsteyn@fswc.ca or 416-864-9735 ext. 21
Hate Crime Charges Laid Against Your Ward News
FSWC is pleased that hate crime charges have been laid against the editor and publisher of the hateful and antisemitic Your Ward News publication. Following an investigation, the Toronto Police announced today that both the editor and publisher have been arrested and charged with willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group, namely Jews and women. They are scheduled to appear in court on December 2017. FSWC has been fielding complaints from the public about the content of the publication.
Call on Canada to Oppose Iran's Bid to Chair Executive Board of UNESCO
In light of the upcoming election for chair of the Executive Board of UNESCO, FSWC launched a community-wide petition to call upon Canada to oppose Iran's bid for that key position. Given its long history of human rights abuses and support for terrorism, Iran is ill-suited to hold the position. As well, the commitment made by Canada to work with UNESCO on important issues such as improving education regarding genocide would be put in jeopardy should Iran obtain the role of chair.
Students Actively Engage in Discussions About the Holocaust
Yesterday FSWC hosted a group of students from a local Toronto high school for a Lessons and Legacies of the Holocaust workshop in the Tom & Anna Koffler Tolerance Training Centre. Students were actively engaged, answering our educator's questions and asking many questions of their own. Propaganda images of "The Eternal Jew" and an excerpt from "The Poisonous Mushroom" were shown, followed by a discussion about how antisemitism took over facets of daily life. Students couldn't believe that children were being taught such hatred at such a young age.
In the afternoon, Holocaust survivor Joe Gottdenker joined the students and provided his testimony to the class. The class really appreciated the story of the Catholic family that took Joe in as an infant and cared for him even though they knew the punishment was execution.
Today is National Philanthropy Day! FSWC would like to thank all of our supporters who have helped us make the world a better place, including through Holocaust education.Consider making a difference today.
Click here to make a donation.
Two Former Nazi Guards Indicted for Stutthof Camp Deaths
Today German prosecutors announced that they have indicted two former Nazi guards who served at the Stutthof concentration camp. The two were indicted for being accessories to murder, as during the time they were guards hundreds of killings occurred. In recent years, German prosecutors have pursued Nazi suspects who helped camps operate, even without evidence of specific crimes.
FBI Reports Rise in Antisemitic Hate Crimes in 2016
According to FBI statistics, there was a rise in antisemitic hate crimes in the US in 2016. Based on the data released on Monday, 684 incidents took place, compared to 664 in 2015. In both years, antisemitic incidents accounted for more than half of religious hate crimes. However, according to ADL there was a much larger increase - with 1,266 antisemitic incidents in 2016, which include a rash of bomb threats against Jewish community centres.
Iran, Iraq Turn Down Humanitarian Assistance from Israel
According to news reports, both Iran and Iraq immediately rejected humanitarian assistance from Israel after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that took place in both countries. Sunday's earthquake killed at least 530 people in Iran and several in Iraq, and injured thousands. Similarly in 2003, Iran also turned down Israeli offer of assistance following an earthquake that killed more than 26,000 people.
From the Arab World
Air strikes on a Syrian town in a "de-escalation zone" on Monday has resulted in the deaths of at least 60 people, a war monitor stated. The de-escalation zone was created under an agreement between Turkey, Russia and Iran to "reduce the bloodshed," but fighting has continued in many areas. Jihadist rebels have put the blame on Russian warplanes for carrying out the attack.
According to Lebanese President Michel Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri is being "held captive" in Saudi Arabia as an an "act of aggression" against Lebanon. On November 4, Hariri resigned in an address, saying his life was in danger. He has not been back in Lebanon since, fueling speculation that he's being held against his will.
State of the Union Is Just Around the Corner!
If you haven't reserved your tickets for State of the Union, it's not too late! Join us on November 23 for an insightful event, as FSWC hosts former Israeli ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman and Simon Wiesenthal Center Founder and Dean Rabbi Marvin Hier. Discussions will focus on the State of Israel and other important issues facing the Middle East and other countries.To RSVP, contact Tracey Steyn at tsteyn@fswc.ca or 416-864-9735 ext. 21.
Learn more about State of the Union
FSWC Wants to Hear from You
Passionate about an issue in the news or your community? Does it align with FSWC's mandate? Then we want to hear from you! FSWC is inviting you to submit reflections on issues that matter to you and the community. While we won't be publishing anything just yet, we will be taking all submissions into consideration for future projects.Submit reflections to aborisovsky@fswc.ca.