Education Report - November 12, 2018

November 12, 2018

Education Report

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Today T4H started another busy GTA week at a High School in Vaughan.This marked our second visit to the school, booked by one of the Vice-Principals who heard about T4H from other colleagues.

 We worked primarily with grade 9 English classes, and one Indigenous Studies class.

Originally the intention was for all 4 classes today to participate in the Canadian Experience workshop, however we hit a snag during the 3rd workshop.Coincidentally it turned out that over half of the class on the bus had been in one of the first two workshops, and therefore already knew the material. So FSWC Educator Daniella decided to take them through our Global Perspectives workshop instead,specifically using the Holocaust to illustrate the 10 Stages of Genocide. This turned out to be a really great idea, especially since they had just had the background information and the students were more than willing to ask a lot of questions.I dispelled a few common “Hitler myths” including his surviving the war and having Jewish ancestry. The class also had questions about the yellow stars that Jewish people were forced to wear, the subsequent discrimination they faced, and how the Nazis determines who was Jewish.