As we look forward to the upcoming holiday andreflect on the past 12 months, we recognize we have much to be grateful for.Just this past week leaders from around the world took time out of their busyschedules to honour the life and legacy of Shimon Peres. It was truly amazingto see the convergence of global heads-of-state who arrived from all corners ofthe earth to pay tribute to him at his funeral this morning and, in so doing,showed their respect for the State of Israel as well. I was immensely proud ofour Canadian delegation, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and wasespecially encouraged by U.S. President Barack Obama's speech re-affirming theJewish people's right to our ancient land.
I feel particularly fortunate that Friends ofSimon Wiesenthal Center had the opportunity to honour Mr. Peres at our Benefitthis past May, at what ultimately was his last major appearance in theDiaspora; we were blessed to once again show our respect on Wednesday in frontof 3,000 students and teachers at Freedom Day in Toronto when we held a minuteof silence in his memory.
As we move forward and make plans to grow our 'big tent' of friends andsupporters in the New Year, we must remain optimistic - though not naïve- aboutthe future. After all, if not for optimism and hope - or 'tikvah', the State ofIsrael would not exist. It is this hope and optimism for a better future thatwe will continue to share through our education and outreach every single day.On behalf of our Chairman Mr. Gerald Schwartz and our esteemed Board ofDirectors, we thank you for your support and wish you a Happy and Healthy NewYear - Shanah Tovah.
Avi Benlolo & the Staff of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies