From the Desk of Avi Benlolo: Should the Media Be Held Accountable?

June 16, 2017


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Editorial in the Times of Israel

Should the Media Be Held Accountable?

This week, the Toronto Star published yetanother pernicious opinion piece against Israel and Jewish Wonder Womansuperstar, Gal Gadot. An attempt to disguise the article as an academictreatise on feminism, its author Azeezah Kanji instead smeared Gadot and ofcourse, Israel.  

According to Kanji, "Gal Gadot's supportfor Israel's violence against women, children, and men of Palestine hasreceived minimal attention as a matter of feminist concern…" apparentlytaken out of context over a post Gadot made in support of Israel's defensiveefforts to protect Israelis from Hamas rocket attacks and tunnel infiltration.Kanji omits that Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization by Canadianauthorities and most western countries.  

Kanji's article however is part of aninternational conspiracy to boycott Israel and pro-Israel Jews in general,especially if they are part of the culture industry (eg. Matisyahu). A numberof Arab nations including Tunisia, Lebanon and Jordan have either threatened orbanned Wonder Woman because its lead actress is Jewish. Here at home,anti-Israel groups that have frequently been accused with antisemitism havealso launched a boycott campaign against Gadot – including York University'sStudents Against Israeli Apartheid group that launched the infamous "YUDivest"last year. 

What responsibility does the media have inensuring that it does not fall prey to propagandists with ulterior motives? Tostaying true to the person's talents and skills (in this case acting) ratherthan picking on their nationality - which is racism? Much has been writtenabout Breitbart news and its lean toward the so-called "alt-right"white nationalists. What about media that often and sometimes disproportionallyleans to the "alt–left" which may inflame antisemitism and incitementagainst Israel unfairly?

The community has been feeling unfairly targetedlately. The anti-Wonder Woman article was published on June 15th. Ten daysearlier, The Star published another article by Izzeldin Abuelaish and MichaelDan provocatively entitled, "Ending the Occupation is the path to Palestinianand Israeli Freedom." As my friend and FSWC Director eloquently states inhis commentary below about the article, "Israelhas offered peace proposals on several occasions, but the Palestinians havenot. Israel's dream is to live side by side peacefully with its neighbours, includingthe Palestinian nation. Unfortunately, Palestinians have only themselves toblame for the fact that they do not have a nation."

This is the true narrative. MostIsraelis want peace and want the Palestinians to have a state living side byside with Israel in peace. Unfortunately, Israel and by extension theJewish people, are continuously portrayed by the mediaas "occupiers" with "enthusiasm" for war. Nothing could befurther from the truth as Israeli leaders encouraged by Jewish communitiesaround the world have been "In Search of Peace" since the verybeginning.

The empowerment of women is of utmostimportance, especially in the Middle East. Gal Gadot is an accomplished actresswho had every opportunity growing up as a female in Israel – going to school(including law school), joining the army and launching a successful career. That’sbecause Israel celebrates women's rights and motivates them to be thoroughlyaccomplished and independent. Now that would have been an interesting article!

Shabbat Shalom,
