Earlierthis summer, FSWC sent its news release entitled “European Union Strengthens FightAgainst Anti-semitism – Welcomed by FSWC” to Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage. Thenews release outlined the European Union resolution which seeks to strengthenEurope’s resolve to combat antisemitism and which requested that Europeannations adopt the working definition of antisemitism of the InternationalHolocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). In the release, FSWC called on the Canadian government to follow the EUparliament and formally adopt the working definition in order to help eliminateantisemitism in Canada.
Thisweek, FSWC received a response from the Director of the MinisterialCorrespondence Secretariat, on behalf of Minister Joly, expressing thegovernment’s support for the IHRA working definition of antisemitism and theillustrative examples which expand the definition of antisemitism to includeunfair criticisms of Israel and denying the Holocaust, among other forms ofcontemporary antisemitism.
Aportion of the letter from the Ministry of Heritage reads:
Canada has been a full member ofthe International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, and served as its Chair fromMarch 2013 to February 2014. Canadastrongly supports the working definition of anti-Semitism and the illustrativeexamples that were adopted by consensus in May 2016.
“Theresponse we have received from the Government is a step in the right direction”said Avi Benlolo, President & CEO of FSWC. “It is imperative that the IHRA working definition on antisemitism beadopted by all levels of government to formally recognize what constitutesmodern antisemitism so that it can be identified in the hopes of eliminatingthis form of hatred in our communities across the country.”
FSWCcontinues to work with governments federally, provincially, and locally, tohelp educate lawmakers and facilitate the adoption of this definition of modernantisemitism. One initiative we will be using to drive this messageforward will be through our 3rd National PolicyConference on Holocaust Education, chaired by FSWC President & CEO Avi Benlolo, to be held on January 27th and 28th in recognition ofInternational Holocaust Remembrance Day. The lineup of speakers willinclude renowned experts in the field of Holocaust and human rights educationincluding the Hon. Irwin Cotler, Director Leibe Geft of the Museum of Toleranceand Professor Wendy Lower, Acting Director of the Jack, Joseph & MortonMandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States HolocaustMemorial Museum.