FSWC is saddened to learn aboutthe recent incidents that occurred in the electoral district of NorthVancouver-Lonsdale in BC, where election signs were defaced with swastikas.
“This is an obvious hate crime andan act of vandalism that cannot be dismissed or compared to other types ofdamage to signs that we see during election time,” says Avi Benlolo, Presidentand CEO of FSWC.
Liberal candidate Naomi Yamamotoand NDP candidate Bowinn Ma posted photos of their signs to social mediaearlier this week.
“This is not My BC…,” Yamamototweeted with a photo of one of her signs that was spray-painted with a redswastika. “Definitelysaddened to see graffiti on election signs this week. This kind of hate has noplace in #NorthVan,” Ma replied to Yamamoto with a similarphoto.
Politiciansfrom different parties responded by speaking out against such hate crimes.