Toronto (October 25, 2017) - Friends of Simon WiesenthalCenter (FSWC) was pleased to learn that students at the University of Winnipegwere pro-active in bringing out the vote to defeat the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) motion. Themotion was first proposed in March 2017 but tabled at that time due to aloss of quorum until reintroduced at the University of Winnipeg Students' Association (UWSA) special meeting held today.
“Coming on the heels of the targeted campaign againststudents that opposed the BDS campaign on the McGill campus, the commitment ofthe University of Winnipeg students who organized to inform their fellowstudents about the lies and distortions that form the basis of the motion andhow such a motion runs contrary to the mission of the association to create an‘accessible, inclusive and democratic education system’ is truly commendable,”said Avi Benlolo President and CEO of FSWC.
To find out more about the FSWC Campus program andresources, https://www.friendsofsimonwiesenthalcenter.com/campus
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Avital Borisovsky
Communications Associate
416.864.9735 x 29
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Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) is a top Jewish human rights foundation in Canada's organized Jewish community. It directly impacts over 100,000 people each year and 500,000+ peripherally. FSWC is committed to countering racism and antisemitism and to promoting the principles of tolerance, social justice and Canadian democratic values through advocacy and educational programs including workshops, Freedom Day, Spirit of Hope Benefit, Tools for Tolerance and the widely acclaimed Tour for Humanity. FSWC is affiliated with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international Jewish human rights organization headquartered in Los Angeles which has won two Academy Awards, has built two Museums of Tolerance (with a third being built in Jerusalem) and is an NGO at the United Nations, UNESCO, OAS, OSCE, the Council of Europe and the Latin American Parliament. Visit us at www.fswc.ca.
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