FSWC Education Report - December 20, 2017

December 20, 2017

Education Report

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Student Artwork from the Human Rights Conference

Today was a great day at the Durham District School Board.  Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Director of Education Melissa presented 3 Leadership 101 workshops to a total of 120 Grades 7 – 12 students.  This was their first Human Rights conference.  Melissa had worked in September with a group of 50+ teachers from this same board.  Many who brought students today referenced the presentation in September as their reason for bringing their students today.  The students who attended today are returning to their schools to then form the foundation of equity groups in their individual schools - so today was really a train-the-trainer model.  

The students in all sessions were very engaged and participated in all of the activities.  Interestingly, each group, when asked what it meant to be a Nazi Hunter, stated that it meant Simon Wiesenthal tracked Nazis and killed them.  Melissa made sure to clarify that Simon Wiesenthal’s mission was one of justice and that he never felt it was his responsibility to determine consequences for actions.  

Student Artwork from Human Rights Conference

The students were quite surprised by current hate crime statistics and the examples of hateful acts that we’re seeing on a regular basis at FSWC.  The most important part of the program today was the discussion with students about what they do with this information.  Many stated the importance of the commitment to stand up in the face of hatred and intolerance.  One student said that it was important to stand up to students who make racist statements and then claim that “it was just a joke.”  She identified this as a safe situation to speak up in. She also emphasized that if the situation was unsafe, one still has a responsibility to act, which could include telling a teacher or a trusted adult.  Another student emphasized the importance of educating, and commented on how that was a way to carry on Simon Wiesenthal’s legacy.  

It was a great way for the education department to end the 2017 year!