Tour for Humanity spent today at a public school in Hamilton, where Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella presented 6 workshops to Grades 4-7 students. The Grades 4 and 5 students participated in Simon’s Story and the Grade 7s took part in the Canadian Experience program. The one Grade 6 class visited the bus twice so they were able to see both workshops.
One very memorable moment occurred at the end of the second Grade 6 class visit. Daniella were discussing examples of ordinary heroes who had done something in the world such as Simon Wiesenthal, Anne Frank and Martin Luther King. Daniella asked the class to come up with ideas that they could easily implement to also become regular heroes. The group shared ideas such as helping out neighbours or giving to those less fortunate. One young boy decided to share a very meaningful story. There had recently been a “good Samaritan murder” in Hamilton, which really impacted this student. He explained that his family was quite close with the deceased and that he had been at his funeral just a few days earlier. He went on to say that it was quite sad that this person was killed for doing good but that it shouldn’t stop other people from trying to help each other. Daniella told the student she was very sorry for his loss and thanked him very much for sharing his story. The story the student was referring to was: “On December 2nd a 19 year old man spotted two men accosting another man. The 19 year old tried to intervene and was subsequently shot by one of the men, according to police reports. The teen was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The victim’s father told CTV News Toronto on Monday that his son was a “good boy” who always stuck up for others.”
The school principal arranged today's visit and already plans to bring some of the Grades 7 and 8 classes to FSWC's Tom & Anna Koffler Tolerance Training Centre in the new year to participate in workshops.