Today Tour for Humanity spent the day at a Catholic school in Barrie presenting workshops to Grades 4 to 8 students. The Grade 4s participated in Simon’s Story and the Grades 6 to 8 classes participated in the Canadian Experience workshop. As usual there were some very insightful questions, including one student who wanted to know why the Jewish people “didn’t just fight back and kill Hitler”, which led to a very interesting discussion about the meaning of resistance and what it meant to “fight back” during the Nazi period. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Daniella explained to the class that although there were instances of armed resistance (Daniella told them about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising), resistance generally more took the form of keeping religious or cultural traditions. The Tour for Humanity was also visited by a contact at the board - this school board specifically allocates funds to allow their schools to book the Tour for Humanity program. She was very impressed with both of the workshops she witnessed.