Today the Tour for Humanity spent its second day in Owen Sound at a Catholic high school. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal (FSWC) Educator Elena taught 4 workshops over the course of the day, all Global Perspectives on Genocide for their Grade 11 students. Elena was welcomed very warmly in the morning by the Vice Principal and there was also a visit over the lunch from one of the custodians at the school! He wanted to watch the videos to learn a bit more about the program so Elena played them for him and they talked briefly afterwards. He was very complimentary of the work FSWC is doing. The students were also a pleasure to work with. They were fairly quiet in all of the groups but Elena did have a good conversation about peacekeeping and Canada's history in that capacity. Elena talked about how Canada had played a key role in many UN peacekeeping missions until the 1990s and that even growing up she was taught that peacekeeping was a part of the Canadian identity. Many thousands of Canadian armed forces members have served as peacekeepers. Elena used Rwanda as a case study of modern genocide and showed the students a brief clip of Romeo Dallaire talking about what he witnessed in Rwanda. Many students had no idea that Canada had engaged in peacekeeping missions and hadn't heard of Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire. Elena told them that Lt. Gen. Dallaire had spoken for FSWC in the past and they ere very impressed.