Friday was the last day of the Tour for Humanity's week-long visit in Stratford and surrounding area. Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) Educator Elena was at a Catholic high school in Clinton for our 2nd of two very successful days with their Grades 9-11 students. Students were all familiar with Hitler and some of the details of the Holocaust. As is often the case, many of the conversations Elena had centred on themes that are important to students today. One student asked for more information about the Nazi policy towards homosexuality and how they treated people with different gender identities. Elena provided the students with some information about the Nazi persecution of homosexuality. She also explained that we rarely see gender fluidity in history the way we see it today. In the past, most people would never have the opportunity to talk about gender and while there may have been people that were uncomfortable with their gender or chose to live as the opposite sex, that's something that most people could never discuss openly. There were also some thoughtful questions and comments about Canadian history. A lot of students had heard of residential schools but were shocked to learn they remained in operation as late as 1996. One young man wanted to know what conditions were like at that particular school, asking if they were beating and starving kids at that point. Elena answered that no, most of the schools were not using those forms of punishment any longer and in some ways these schools weren't that different than regular schools. Even so, Elena felt she had to tell the students that this particular school had a lot of students that were sexually abused right through the 1980s. Overall it was a very powerful week in the Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board.