TORONTO (August 17, 2017) - Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is extremelysaddened to hear about today’s terrorist attack in Barcelona that hasreportedly killed 13 and injured at least 100 others.
According to news reports, a van drove through crowds ofpeople earlier today near the entrance to the city’s Maccabi kosher restaurant.While the attack did not appear to target Jews, security forces have instructedJewish institutions to be temporarily closed.
“Today we stand united with the people of Barcelona and sendour thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families,” said Avi Benlolo,FSWC President and CEO. “It is a sad time as we continue to witness incidencesof terror and hatred around the world, and it is critical for leaders tocondemn these acts and for proper action to be taken against the perpetrators.”
Two men have been arrested and are being treated assuspects. Hours after the attack, two police were reportedly run over at asecurity point in Barcelona; however, it is not yet clear whether the incidentis related to the terrorist attack.
Toarrange an interview with Avi Benlolo, please contact:
Atara Cadesky
Communications Associate
416.864.9735 x 30
Avital Borisovsky
Communications Associate
416.864.9735 x 30
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Friends of SimonWiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) is a top Jewish human rightsfoundation in Canada's organized Jewish community. It directly impacts over100,000 people each year and 500,000+ peripherally. FSWC is committed tocountering racism and antisemitism and to promoting the principles of tolerance,social justice and Canadian democratic values through advocacy andeducational programs including workshops, Freedom Day, Spirit of HopeBenefit, Tools for Tolerance and the widely acclaimed Tour for Humanity.FSWC is affiliated with the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an international Jewishhuman rights organization headquartered in Los Angeles which has won twoAcademy Awards, has built two Museums of Tolerance (with a third being built inJerusalem) and is an NGO at the United Nations, UNESCO, OAS, OSCE, the Councilof Europe and the Latin American Parliament. Visit us at www.fswc.ca.
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