Toronto (August 17, 2018) - Friends of Simon WiesenthalCenter (FSWC) notes that MP Iqra Khalid has rescinded a “certificate ofappreciation” she recently granted to Amin El-Maoued of Palestine House, anorganization that Canada stopped funding in 2012 due to concerns over itssupport of extremism.
In a letter sent to Khalid, FSWCPresident and CEO Avi Benlolo stated that by supporting El-Maoued and hisorganization, she was “sending a message that those who support hatred andterrorism are worthy of recognition.”
“As a friend and ally of Israeland supporter of human rights, Canada must take a firm stance against allindividuals and organizations that support any kind of terrorism,” said Benloloin the letter, urging Khalid to recognize that this certificate granted toEl-Maoued was inappropriate and rescind it immediately.
“Wehave to deal with antisemitism seriously and on the same platform as otherforms of racism,” said Benlolo. “Will Khalid also condemn the annual ‘Al QudsDay’ event in Toronto?”
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Avital Borisovsky
Communications Associate
416.864.9735 x 29