FSWC Stands Against Hate, Injustice and Intolerance

June 3, 2020


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As the world mourns the murder of George Floyd and people from all walks of life raise their voices against injustice, FSWC remains committed to its mandate to stand against not only antisemitism but other forms of hate and intolerance as well, including anti-Black racism.

As Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal said, "Freedom is not a gift from heaven, you must fight for it every day." We condemn the senseless murder of Floyd and stand with responsible leaders and members of the Black community in their fight for freedom and to eliminate racism and bigotry. We also denounce individuals and groups who have hijacked peaceful protests with violent riots, looting businesses and attacks on the Jewish community in cities across the U.S. and support Black community leaders and members who spread their message through constructive dialogue and actions.

At FSWC we believe education is the leading way to fight hate and discrimination in our communities. We urge all leaders in government, education and law enforcement to invest time and resources into diversity education and training - including programs that inspire young people to stand against hate in their schools and train professionals on how to protect and promote diversity and inclusiveness in their workplaces and communities - and use their voices to promote human rights, tolerance and equality.

Together we can work toward building understanding and peace among all races and cultures and a world free of hate and discrimination.