Toronto - As part of our ongoing efforts to advance thecause of women’s rights locally and globally, Friends of Simon WiesenthalCenter for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) is proud to support International Day forthe Elimination of Violence against Women, and to educate Canadian youth aboutthe ongoing struggle for women’s rights through a specially tailored workshopfor students in Grades 5 - 12 called “Women’s Rights are Human Rights.”
The courseexplores the issue of gender inequity and the significant and perilousconsequences this imbalance has on all of humanity. Issues of violence againstwomen, including acid attacks and child marriage, as well as the right to aneducation and employment inequity, are covered in an age-appropriate manner. Studentsleave this workshop informed, empowered and equipped with tools to affect realand positive change in their schools, communities and around the world.
“The issue of continued violence against women –both here in Canada and around the world, is one of the most enduring andpressing human rights issues of this century,” observed FSWC President and CEOAvi Benlolo. “We look forward to presenting this workshop next week to a group ofbright young women from a Montessori school in Brampton, who will learn thetools and carry the torch as leaders of a younger generation to help change thecourse of history for victimized women everywhere.”
To find out more about “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” and other FSWC educational workshops contact education@fswc.ca
ForMore Information
StaceyL. Starkman
Director of Communications & External Relations
416.864.9735 x 32 / sstarkman@fswc.ca