Toronto (September 13, 2019) – The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) will be monitoring the new trial of two men accused of plotting to murder Jewish citizens with a sniper rifle.
Raed Jaser and Chiheb Esseghaier were apprehended by RCMP in 2013 and accused of plotting to derail a Via Rail passenger train travelling from New York to Toronto. During their trial, it was reported that after the pair’s efforts to derail the train failed, they discussed a new plan which included using a sniper to shoot “rich Jews.” Both men were convicted for terrorism charges in 2015 and handed life sentences.
The Ontario Court of Appeal, however, has thrown out the convictions, citing errors in the trial’s juror selection procedure. A new trial has been ordered by the Appeal’s Court, and the Public Prosecution Service of Canada confirms it will proceed by prosecuting the men again.
“Given the direct and specific threats these two men were alleged to have made against members of the Jewish community, we will be watching the new trial closely,” said Avi Benlolo, FSWC president and CEO. “These men posed a great threat to the safety of Canadians and must face justice for their actions.”