Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies(FSWC) and the Zaglembier Society congratulate University of Toronto student Caroline Cormier, the latest recipient of the FSWC-Zaglembier Society Scholarship. Ms. Cormier is currently pursuing her PhD in the Department of History. Her research project is tentatively titled, “Redefining Home: The History and Commemoration of Jewish Homes and Judenhäuser in Berlin, Germany” and examines the forced displacement of Jews from their private homes that occurred as a result of the urban planning projects and exclusionary housing policies introduced by the Nazi regime in Berlin in the late 1930s and early 1940s. This unique study examines how the implementation of these regulations about living space impacted everyday Jewish life in German cities. In addition, Ms. Cormier explores how formerly Jewish living spaces have been used as sites of reconciliation in the post-war period, particularly through the state-run Emigrantenprogramm and various commemoration projects that have been established in the postwar period.
“The funding from the FSWC-Zaglembier Society Scholarship will allow me to continue my research in Berlin,” stated Ms. Cormier. “Specifically, for the last two chapters of my dissertations I will be focusing on the Emigrantenprogramm and the commemoration of these formerly Jewish living spaces. The scholarship will allow me to fund my trip to Berlin and to be able to interview individuals, artists, and community leaders who have initiated such projects in Berlin. Without this award, this research would not be possible so please accept my sincerest thank you for your generous support.”
If you are interested in sponsoring a Holocaust education scholarship in your name, please contact FSWC Director of Education Melissa Mikel at 416-864-9735 x40 or mmikel@fswc.ca.