1. FSWC: "The United Nations Against Israel"
In another flamboyant report targeting Israel, the UN Economicand Social Commission for Western Asia accused Israel of establishing "anapartheid regime". FSWC wonders, if Israel is being accused of apartheid,what are the remaining countries in the Middle East being accused of by theUnited Nations? Last time we checked, Freedom House, a reputableorganization that identifies freedom and democracy around the world - identifiedIsrael as the only democracy in that region. As the new US Ambassador to the UNNikki Haley recently observed the double standards against Israel are"breathtaking". According to Haley, "Incredibly, the UNDepartment of Political Affairs has an entire department devoted to Palestinianaffairs," she said. "Imagine that. There is not a division devoted toillegal missile launches from North Korea. There is no division devoted to theworld's number one state sponsor of terror, Iran." Unfortunately, the UNhas lost much of its legitimacy for these reasons in recent years.
2. University of TorontoPresident Meric Gertler Responds to FSWC
FSWC still concerned but appreciates University of Toronto'sPresident Gertler's reply to our expressed concerns about antisemitism and"Israeli Apartheid Week". President Gertler wrote,"Anti-semitism is an ancient and pernicious form of hatred directed towardsmembers of the Jewish community and the Jewish community as a whole. It remainsa dangerous source of discrimination, harassment, and violence today and athreat to all free societies". Beyond statements, FSWC will continue todemand action from the University of Toronto to counter the incidences ofantisemitism. One UofT professor recently advised the university and copiedFSWC that they "do not feel safe on university campus near IsraeliApartheid Week".
3. A Political Earthquake in the Netherlands? Election Day- Will Populist-Right Continue Its European Rise?
The Dutch head to the polls today in what is being billedas a bellwether European election which could serve as a test-of-strength forthe so-called populist movement that has gained widespread traction across theEuropean political landscape. It is widely expected that the far-right,anti-Islam and anti-immigrant Party for Freedom (PVV), led by MP Geert Wilders,will compete with the ruling People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD),led by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, to become the largestparty in the Dutch parliament. The election comes during a period ofhigh-tension between the Netherlands and Turkey following a diplomatic row overthe weekend which had overt-racial undertones, that some say could swing the election in favour of the PVV.Political commentators note that a strong showing by the PVV could signalfuture success for far-right European politicians in upcoming summer electionsin France and Germany.
4. Canadian Convicted of online Antisemitism
FSWC concerned over lenient sentence given to a British Columbiaman who posted antisemitic material online. Arthur Topham was givena six-month conditional sentence barring him from publicly posting online, aswell as acurfew. According to reports, in a disturbing comment thattropes antisemitism, he said he felt he has a "duty to alert the generalpublic of an imminent threat....the interests of the Jewish lobby". FSWC considers antisemitism to be a lethal ideology which incites violence andhas a history of producing genocide. Still the judge said, "he does notcall for violence; his views were political satire". One only has towonder, however, if the tolerance level for antisemitism is increasing inour legal system. FSWC has repeatedly called for strengthening of hate crimeand hate speech laws.
5. FSWC Awaiting Response from Minister of Public Safety andEmergency Preparedness
In a recent letter sent to The Hon. Ralph Goodale, FSWC inquiredif any action has been taken to date regarding Ms. Alison Chabloz, a knownBritish Holocaust denier who recently entered our country. A known whitesupremacist group is sponsoring her four province, eight city tour to motivateCanadians to be "anti-establishment, anti-zionist, anti-powers" andperform the infamous quenelle salute (interpreted to be radically antisemitic).In its National Alert broadcast, FSWC informed police and intelligencecommunities about its concerns regarding this matter.
6. 167 House Members Ask President Trump to Retain Ambassador toCombat Antisemitism
Following reports that President Donald Trump is consideringscrapping the position of US Ambassador to combat global Antisemitism, a bipartisan group of 167 members of the US House ofRepresentatives have sent him a letter asking him to reconsider. The letterurges the President to "maintain and prioritize" the positionconsidering current rising global Antisemitism, and to quickly appoint a newambassador as the position currently remains vacant. The letter states that "duringprevious administrations, this office was crucial in documenting human rightsabuses against Jewish communities abroad as well as developing and implementingpolicies designed to combat anti-Semitism." The letter can be read here.
FSWC at Work:
Yesterday, FSWC educators visited Georgian College in Orillia,Ontario aboard FSWC's award-winning, state-of-the-art mobile learningclassroom, the Tour for Humanity. The stop was the first of two days ofFSWC workshops at Georgian College. FSWC delivered workshops to students from avariety of programs, including students studying to work in child and youthdevelopment, social work, and addictions counselling. One notable encounter peran FSWC educator was with a student whom had stayed with a Muslim family inBosnia during her time in high-school. The student shared her experiences inBosnia, and the level of mistrust she saw between neighbours in Bosniafollowing the Serbian-Bosnian war of the late 1990's. This experience serves asa reminder of the value of tolerance, acceptance and community in a worldseemingly fraught with tension and conflict.
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