Investigation Underway After Large Swastikas Spray Painted at Community Skate Park in Moncton

November 4, 2019


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Toronto (November 4, 2019) – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center commends the City of Moncton and its police for the quick action taken after two large swastikas were found spray painted at a community skate park in Moncton.

According to reports, the graffiti was discovered Friday night and was quickly cleaned up the next morning.

“It’s very disturbing that a park frequented by children and teens would be the target of graffiti that promotes a message of racism and hate,” said FSWC president and CEO Avi Benlolo. “We commend the city, its mayor and police for choosing to not ignore this incident and ensuring the graffiti is cleaned up and investigated.”

FSWC has reached out to the Mayor’s Office offering its educational programs to nearby schools and resources and training programs to teachers, police and civil authorities that will equip them to address hate in the community.

Police are currently looking into the incident and whether there is security footage to assist with the investigation.