Mr. Rob McCleanPresident and GM
American Express Canada (Amex Canada)
101 McNabb ST.
Markham, Ontario L3R 4H8
September 14, 2017
Dear Mr. McClean,
I reach out to you today as a primary corporate ‘friendand partner’ of the Roger Waters “Us +Them” Tour set to begin in Canada onOctober 2 with multiple performances across the country. We understand that your company pulled itssupport for the American portion of the tour in 2016 refusing to be part of the performer’s “anti-Israelrhetoric”.
Roger Waters has been described as the“de-facto leader” of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, amovement rightly recognized by many to be “aimed at destroying the Jewish statethrough economic warfare”. In fact,here in Canada, our political leaders at both the federal and provincial levelshave rejected the BDS movement and its “differential treatment of Israel” as anillegitimate form of activism by promoting “hatred, hostility, prejudice,racism and intolerance” which could meet the accepted definition ofantisemitism. Furthermore, the dynamicsof the movement have all too often created an environment in which overtantisemitism is freely expressed.
While it appears Mr. Waters continues topressure artists not to perform in Israel, most have rejected his attempt atcultural boycott, recognizing that such boycotts are “divisive, discriminatoryand counterproductive”. (J.K. Rowling) Performers targeted by him have reflected our hope that even on stagehuman rights would be respected. As oneperformer has stated, “Music, art andacademia is about crossing borders not building them, about open minds notclosed ones, about shared humanity, dialogue and freedom of expression. (ThomYorke Radiohead)
Many familiar with his tour have felt that hehas “crossed the line into antisemitism” and have asked him to “stick to hismusic”. An award-winning filmmaker andson of Holocaust survivor has stated “What Roger Waters is spewing goes much far beyond freedom ofexpression. It’s an ingrained hatred toward the Jewish people and Israel.” Jewish stars painted onto inflated pigs along,dollars signs as well as dressing up as a Nazi are among the malicious imageryhe has used. In the tour “Us+Them”, hehas met with criticism for the use of use of vulgar images including a KKK hood,with fans asking him “How about unitingpeople instead of adding to the division?”
Unfortunately, Roger Waterscontinues to use the stage to preach divisive, hurtful messages. The Jewish people are suffering fromunprecedented levels of discrimination and racism manifested most recently on busyOntario highways with graffiti declaring that “Hitler was Right”. This is certainly not the time to fomentantisemitism by promoting BDS campaigns against the Jewish people or to employhateful imagery on stage.
You have articulated aclear vision of good citizenship when providing support as set out on yourwebsite:
At American Express, we believe that serving ourcommunities is not only integral to running a successful business: it is partof our responsibility as citizens of the world. Our mission is to bring to lifethe American Express value of good corporate citizenship by supporting diversecommunities in ways that enhance the company's reputation with employees,customers, merchants, business partners and other stakeholders.
It is therefore ourexpectation that you will adhere to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)norms. We would hope that you use your strong voice as a corporate sponsor toeducate Waters and his producers as to what acceptable forms of discourse looklike in Canada where strict laws against hate speech and a strong respect forhuman rights apply.
I thankyou for your consideration and would be glad to make myself available todiscuss this further with you. To set up a meeting, please contact Anita Bromberg at abromberg@fswc.ca or 416-864-9735 x24.
Avi Benlolo, President and CEO