Today is your chance to make a real difference. Support the work of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, including our educational programs and advocacy initiatives, to help fight antisemitism and other forms of hate throughout Canada. These programs include:
The Tour for Humanity and in-house workshops on the Holocaust and human rights educate hundreds of students each week. Since 2013, Tour for Humanity has reached some 170,000 students, teachers and community members. Meanwhile, our educators also partner with Holocaust survivors who share their stories of survival with students and inspire them to stand against hate.
Events like Freedom Day and Speakers Idol empower students every year to think about what freedom means to them and what actions they can take to protect it.
Educational programs targeting professionals like Compassion to Action and the National Policy Conference on Holocaust Education educate law enforcement officials, government leaders and educators about the Holocaust and offer insight into current issues involving Holocaust education, antisemitism and discrimination.
Advocacy initiatives include maintaining relationships and working with police, politicians, educators, university leaders and other community members to prevent and counter hate-related incidents.
Help fight antisemitism and hate through education.
Support the work of FSWC today.